Monday, November 29, 2010

Great Author

     In the book I'm still reading, Wizards First Rule by Terry Goodkind, there are so many elements that make it such an exciting book to read. As Richard and Kahlan go through their amazing quest, I can't stop noticing the writing crafts Terry Goodkind is using.
     I think that the theory of this book is that you can make all kinds of friends. Richard still doesn't know that Kahlan is a confessor which is like a wizard. She is afraid to tell him because when people hear that, they usually back away in fear and get freaked out.
     Everywhere I go, this theory proves itself of being worthy. People live off of what the people around them think about the world. Its hard to not take in the actual evidence and facts of some things and judge it of being good or bad.
     I'm sure that this happens to me all the time. Sometimes people are racist because they know that the race's actions to society is common of being bad or just causing their superior races world to corrupt. Me and my friends and family talk about each others friends and sometimes we just judge them by one of the first informations told to us like their race and culture and we put them in the category of best friend, friend, or not even close. The people who you thought of never hangimg around with could be the best friends you've always thought of hanging around with.
     In this book, their is an injustice dealing with what people beleive in. An evil leader named Paul Rahl has instigated people who throw flowers at his army to kill or hang anyone who doesn't throw flowers at his army by passing a movement saying to kill all these non-throwing flower people. This sort of reminds me of the holocost and how the naughtcees killed jews because they only believed in a german world like how Paul's movement caused many people to die. Also, Kahlan has left that place to escape all the madness and this os like the Jews avoiding being killed by naughtcees.
     I also like how Terry really finds a way to show the character of her characters and they are so believable because many people have these types of characters. Terry showed great emotion when she brought out prodigious sorrow in Kahlan when she thought back to her dead sister. She really painted an image in my head of how Kahlan cried and how she acted when she cried.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Malik's first rule

     The book I'm reading is called the Wizards First Rule by Terry Goodkind. It is very intresting because so far I've read a couple of pages and there has been so many cool things that Terry Goodkind makes this book have. He uses so many details just to describe one small scene in the book and it is very effective. Sometimes he even goes pages to describe scenes and I like this because, like Terry, I think that details are the most important when you're writng a story. I also try to have one whole page just describing something like a person or the setting.
     AI also like how the main character, Richard Cypher, was developed by Terry. He was very quick thinking and brave when he saw that a women was being stalked and I like this because many people would probably just think that the girl was just playing some game with the swtalkers and just continue to walk, but Richard quickly realized that she wasn't playing with them and helped her. I also like when they said he could leave, he stayed by her side.