Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Starry Night

Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh

See full size image

     Over That Quiet Town      by Malik Padellan

The wave currents in the sky
swirl on top another,
whirlpools of color
over that quiet town

Stars pokadot the night,
beaming light in every direction
scaring away darkness
over that quiet town

The moon, hooked like a claw
shines the brightest
melting in the sky
over that quiet town

For the town is not just silence,
but joy and happiness.
Although it is not with the sky,
from an angle, grass pulls on stars


  1. I love how you have different colors of ink to represent each stanza and this poem was very descriptive and touching

  2. i really liked this poem, it described the picture very well
